Part 31: Hopefully the Final Frontier...
Part 28: Hopefully the Final Frontier...![](1-Ani295MS.png)
Woah, it's postgame time. Thankfully this is Emerald, so it won't be like two parts long like it would be in RS, there's a lot of stuff to do!
Uh, blue? It's not gonna matter in the slightest.
Unlike in RS where you only got the National Dex for trading with another Gen 3 game, or in FRLG where you had to catch 60 fuckin Pokemon, we just get it in Emerald, no question. Before you ask, NO, I will not be completing the National Dex, only the regional Pokedex, but I will be catching any new critters we come across, like in the FRLG updates.
While we can easily Fly between Slateport and Lilycove, sure we'll go for a spin. Scott's waiting for us.
While the Battle Frontier sounds positively riveting, we've got a ship to explore.
Well the postgame battles are off to a, uh, good start.
While I remember, our entire party got a ribbon for beating the Champion! There's a fair few ribbons you can get for various tasks around the region, not just from contests, so we'll be sure to get them.
Unlike HGSS, we won't be seeing new and wonderful Pokemon immediately, no standard trainer has any, so it'll be a little while before we see anything crazy.
I'll turn a blind eye since you gave me free stuff. But since we got all the good TMs already, any postgame TMs we find won't be all that great.
We can look out of the portholes and see the ship travel along the various routes, but we don't have time to just hang around!
Oh hey there's trainers down in the hold. Or whatever it's called, ship terms!
That's everything. Unlike the S.S. Aqua, the S.S. Tidal doesn't have different trainers if you go on the other journey.
It's Battle Frontier time, baby!
The Battle Frontier: The front lines of Pokemon battling!
Unlike the Battle Frontier of Sinnoh and Johto, the Hoenn Battle Frontier is a pretty big place, with lots to it and plenty to explore. Our Trainer Card has now become a Frontier Pass, showing us a map of the island, the 7 symbols to earn here, a battle you opted to record and keep, as well as how many Battle Points we earned for taking part in the various facilities.
Oh yeah, since we beat the Pokemon League, we've got another Trainer Card star, as well as the first record on the back. We've still got plenty to go.
Let's get exploring!
First up is the Battle Factory where you use rented Pokemon to battle.
We'll be going clockwise, so here's a house you really should visit.
HOLY SHIT, honest to god useful Move Tutors. Look at all these amazing moves your Pokemon are missing because they're locked to the postgame! Now a few of these moves could be obtained in FRLG for free, but now you've got to pay up and they definitely don't come cheap. You'll be grinding a lot to get some of these really useful moves for Pokemon that just don't fancy learning them otherwise. Such as Rock Slide for Wargreymon.
Even more moves, including the amazing elemental punches, to actually give your shitty Pokemon some coverage! Such as Ice Punch for Wargreymon. Okay maybe that's a bad example, but you just got a LOT of options.
Next up is the Battle Dome, where you fight in a 16 trainer 4 round tournament.
You get 1, 2 or 3BP depending on how many times we talked to Scott on our journey. Of course, we saw him everywhere we could.
We'll head into that house in a moment, but first, the Battle Tower. Fight for streaks in 3v3 battles. Simple.
Eheheh, here's a real easy glitch for you to exploit. In RS, there was only a Battle Tower in this area for Single battles, but Emerald added Double and Multi battles, so you could fight with an AI, or a friend. However, due to having to save lots of data as well as checking for connections, even if you say No to saving the game before starting this mode, it'll only save what you have in the Party and what's in your Bag. Meaning, like with Gen 1 and 2, you can turn the game off at the right moment and have a Pokemon in your PC and Party at the same time, letting you clone Pokemon and items! Of course I will be abusing this, so should you.
This, uh, this did not age well.
While three out of four trades in this game had Mail attached, at least we got a cool new Pokemon. Sure, Meowth are easily found in FireRed, but this is more fun, even though you need a 2% encounter for it. Oh yeah, I won't be evolving any new Pokemon we find in the postgame if they're not part of the Hoenn Dex.
Here's what you'll be spending most of your Battle Points on because HOLY SHIT, not only are there exclusive decorations available, but also some real important items you won't find anywhere else. And yes they are ridiculously expensive compared to future titles. You will be doing so much grinding it is pretty damn silly. Seriously, 256BP for a large doll? I'll take ten!
When you win any kind of battle it'll show up here against those who you've mixed records with.
The Battle Pyramid, where you climb a dark maze for fun and profit.
Hmm, maybe we'll find out later.
This is the Battle Palace, where you roll a four sided die and slowly want to die.
Uh, okay? I hope you know what that means, it'll be VERY important later.
The Battle Arena is where you fight battles within 3 turns and get judged on multiple things.
Here in the center of the Frontier is a Mart and Center, as well as a few houses.
You can buy EV drinks with BP or cash, whichever you have more of.
Starting in this game, IV Judges appear, so you actually know what the hell your Pokemon can do without looking at save editors. Though you should still do that anyway... He first sums up your total IV amount, from average, 0-90, to eventually outstanding, 151-186. Then he talks about the highest IV of a Pokemon, from good, 0-15, to perfection, 31. Seems Wargreymon's Sp.Def IV was between 26-30, but I already knew that.
Last facility is the Battle Pike, where you choose between one of three rooms to go to and watch your party get frozen.
Now there's a weird tree down here. I dunno about you, but I know exactly what to do about weird trees.
Hey, it's our first proper National mon to catch. Between FRLG and Emerald, there's a lot of missing Johto Pokemon to find, so hopefully we can get all of them, otherwise we'd have to result to using other, weirder, games.
Easy enough. Don't need it for anything, no Bonsly yet, despite what multiple Gen 3 media will try and tell you otherwise.
What's down here?
I wonder what's in a cave like this.
Another Johto mon! Smeargle isn't particularly interesting, but with Sketch, it lets it be a great catching or breeding mon!
Alright, let's get some booty.
There's not much here aside from Smeargle and hidden energy drinks.
And there we go. That's all of them.
Bar one.
With that, we've explored the entire island. Now I know what you're thinking and you're right, completing this Battle Frontier sounds like it'll be miserable. I agree, Gamefreak are really bad at making battle facilities and the gimmicks in this one are just awful. I, too, was very glad when this place didn't appear in the remakes, cause we don't want GF wasting time and money making some shitty grindfest that takes hours to complete if no one's gonna bother participating in that shitty grindfest. Least complaining on the internet about missing out on that shitty grindfest is easy enough when you never bothered playing it beforehand cause it was "too hard" or "too boring" or other such excuses.
So yeah, off we go!